Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Acceptable Sin...

I just wanted to share a thought or two....

What is the Acceptable Sin?'s Obesity. My new documentary short THE ACCEPTABLE SIN explains it perfectly. I really believe there is a direct link between Obesity and Religion. Most religious people are obese, and have gluttony. Our bodies are the temples of God, if you're religious...why would you pollute a sacred temple?

And by slaughtering animals, and putting them in our bodies....we're the tombstones for dead animals. If we stopped killing animals, we could save our lives, and the planet, while ending global warming.

And childhood obesity....if you ask me, is child abuse. More of that to come...

Current TV is premiering our new short for people to see before anyplace else. Here's the link:

If you watch it, I hope it shocks you, opens your eyes, and makes you think....

Just some thoughts....

THE OUTHOUSE in Louisiana!

Well....I wonder how our film did in Shreveport today?

Our new hit documentary short THE OUTHOUSE played Louisiana's Moviesauce Film Festival today. I'll be finding out from the fest in the next few days how well it did. This is our follow-up short to our hit short comedy PHONE SEX GRANDMA. THE OUTHOUSE premiered in January at the Slamdance Film Festival. Since January, it's played over 10 fests worldwide. This summer, it has screenings already lined up at festivals in Dallas, NYC, and Atlanta, with more to come! And PHONE SEX GRANDMA's still playing the fest circuit. It's a great feeling to know that even though I can't afford to be at the screenings, I can be a poor man, and be making films that's playing worldwide, blowing people's minds!

They haven't seen nothing yet....

Friday, May 30, 2008

Today's Liberal Thought...

Nobody cares about anybody.

People amaze me. The older I get, the more I see how people really are. And it doesn't matter where you live, or where you are. You can be in a big city...or a ghost town. When it comes down to it, people are basically the same.

My Grandad said it right...he said "When you've got money, everyone's your friend. But when you're down and out, noone wants to have anything to do with you".

I remember growing up in this small town area. I thought people in small towns were basically better people. To be honest, they're not. Everybody uses everybody. It really sickens me what this world's come to.

What happened to the good old days? Maybe now with rising gas prices, inflation, people losing their homes, the war going on and on, people getting fatter, sicker and lazier, and this country being all about the rich'll force people to go back to the way things used to be.

Time will tell...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fuck the Politics

Can you believe this shit?

I hate politics.

Don't get me wrong...I've voted in every election since I was 18 (which was in '83). I always vote. But our government and political system truly sickens me.

When I ran for Congress 2 years ago here in SW Missouri, I truly found out how corrupt and crooked the political system is. Take it from's all about money. That's as far as I'm going about that. I know to keep my mouth shut.

More's comin' haven't heard a fuckin' thing yet...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fuck Hollywood

Who needs Hollywood? I say fuck the City of Angels...

I was out there for years trying to get things done. Nothing happened. I came back here to the sticks to make my films my own way. First, PHONE SEX GRANDMA. Then, THE 60 YEAR OLD STRIPPER. Then, THE OUTHOUSE. Everything I'm making back here that I share with the world tears it up on the film festival circuit and on the internet worldwide. Back here in the Boonies, I've made over 10 films in the last 3 years. Without the fucking industry. Without fake, artificial people that only talk to you and communicate when they can use you for something.

Who needs that filthy city? When you can make films your own way, anywhere?

I say fuck Hollywood; I don't need them...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Lonely Life...

The life of a filmmaker is a lonely life.

Trust me. Take it from someone who knows.

These last 3 years, the short films I've been making have been tearing it up in the indie film festival world. But the sacrifice for me right now is living a very lonely life. I'm out here in the sticks, in the middle of the country, by myself, shooting hilarious films of my Mother. Over the last 25 years, I've lived all around this country, having a great cities like Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas, Vegas, Los Angeles, Tampa...the list goes on. But right now, until I can make some money and get out of this deep hole, it's out here in the sticks where I'll be.

Believe me though...I do enjoy it. I get to make films my way, and have total control. And get to know there are audiences worldwide that love my work that others would be terrified to make.

It's a lonely life.

Just some thoughts...

Monday, May 26, 2008

I'm a Rich Poor Man...

I have everything...

It really amazes me how rich I am. I forget it too much....and then moments come when I realize it again. I wish I could always stay in this mind frame.

I'm unemployed...have no car right now, or means of transportation...stuck out here in the middle of nowhere...but I'm rich. I have everything. Even without money.

Today, I took a few hours, and went through piles of some things I have stored out here over the years. Man, it's a job going through this shit....but it brings back great memories of what I've done while I'm going through this shit...It really amazes me everything that I've done in my life.

I've been everywhere...and have done everything I've wanted to do. It may be the poor man's version....but I can truly say that if I died today, I would have no regrets. I'm educated, with degrees...I have world knowledge from spending my life around the country...for 25 years, I've done what I've wanted to do....been a filmmaker, director, actor, writer, speaker, teacher, salesman, communicator....I have so much more to do. But I'm truly happy with what I've done.

I'm alive...and doing what I want to do. I don't think many people in this world can truly say that.

Bob Dylan once said 'What's money? A man is rich if he wakes up in the morning, goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do'. I'm sure he had his millions before he said that. But he's right. I have to agree. I'm able to wake up in the morning, go to bed at night, and do what I want to do in between. I'd say that's a rich man.

I look at everyone around me, and realize how poor they are, and how rich I am....they've got a great job that they're a slave to....they've got their big house, nice car, big family, and material things that they're a slave and in debt to...they're living a life they hate living....and envy people like myself, who are broke and have nothing. I'd rather be living in poverty like I am, doing what I want to do, than have millions, working and slaving for 40 years, and die without enjoying life. I'm rich....

I'm a rich poor man.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Church this Morning...

I went to church this morning.

Yep...believe it or not...but this extreme radical liberal does go to church now and then. Out here in farm country, I live in a village of less than 40 people. And across the street from where I live, is a church. My neighbor is the local preacher.

They have a large congregation, too...of over 300 people. I'll tell you...around here, the churches drag 'em in like flies to honey. I think it's like that most places around the country...but that's another story.

As I sat there in the Sunday service this morning, I watched these people. I do that a lot. I observe people. They entertain me. And these people...I'll tell you...they really amaze me. And not in a good way...

It's all about money. I've seen this at other churches around the country, but it's really jaw-dropping to see the business of religion out here in the middle of today's program, they had the financial statement of the church for all to see. And I couldn't believe the money spent for this business for one month out here in the middle of nowhere. At the end of the service, they made an announcement that today, they finally paid off a $150,000 debt over the last 3 months for this newly remodeled building. Actually, the preacher said that over $200,000 has been raised out here over the last 3 months. Imagine a community that houses less than 40 people.

I look at the homeless...all of these natural disasters destroying lives here nationally and globally right don't see churches opening their doors to the homeless, and letting them have a roof over their head at night in these empty buildings of God around the country.

Last winter, when the deadly Midwest ice storms destroyed my house out here, my Mother and I had to stay for a week in a Red Cross shelter. Believe me, I was so thankful for that. But you wouldn't the things I learned while homeless for a week. The church that opened their doors for the Red Cross, after 2 days, forced everyone to leave so their building would be cleared out for the Sunday service coming up in the next few days. And after a week, the Red Cross was forcing people to leave the shelters so they would be cleared out. I think about all the homeless people in the world, and it really angers me...this is just one tangent I'd really like to go off on.

If there is a God, I'm thankful that I'm an extreme liberal, and really out there...I am so thankful that my eyes are really open...

Open your eyes...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The 1st Blog for the Son of a Stripper

My name is Jack Truman. And I am the Son of a Stripper.

My Mother, Opal, was a stripper of over 20 years in the 1970's and 80's. As a child, I grew up around nudity and pornography. I remember the days when I was 6, 7 years old, being backstage with the dancers while my Mother danced off in the distance on stage. I would be playing board Monopoly, and checkers...with all of the nude dancers on the floor, while my Mother danced off in the distance. I grew up in this environment of adult entertainment for close to 20 years; very differnent from the norm. And I have a lifetime of experience to share with others.

There's a lot of things I will be using this blog thoughts, experiences, advice, issures...the list goes on. You name it...I'll probably touch it. And if I don't...let me know. I want to share my life experience with others.

A little about me...I am a filmmaker. That is what I do. I have to work odd jobs to make ends meet. But my films are exploding on the independent film world. Being an award-winning filmmaker, writer, actor and speaker, I am a 20-plus year veteran of stage and screen. I received my B. S. in Business Administration at Missouri Southern State University, and a M.A. in Communication at Texas A&M - Commerce. A former professor at Texas A&M, I am a veteran stage director, actor and writer, having also apperaed in many television series and major motion pictures. My film directorial debut, the aard-winning hit short PHONE SEX GRANDMA, premiered to standing-room only audiences at the 2006 Slamdance Filim Festival. Since its hit premiere, PSG has appeared at over 40 film festivals worldwide, receiving rave reviews. These last 2 years out here in farm country, I have made over 10 films. My new documentary short THE OUTHOUSE premiered in January at the 2008 Slamdance Film Festival, and is exploding on the festival circuit. My new documentary short THE ACCEPTABGLE SIN premiered last week on Current TV. And I am currently wrapping production on a new film.

My beginning films these first few years all feature my Mother Opal. Our Mother/Son team is really tearing it up inthe indie film world. I love it. We're not making any money yet; but we're getting our messages out, and letting our voices be heard. It really amazes me, what I've learned these last few years in the independent film world. People want to hear fresh, truly independent voices. They really want to hear from people that are not afraid to be heard. And that is the kind of person I am.

All I want to do is make movies.

I want to make films that shock people, open their eyes, make them think, talk and realize how different all of us are. That's what makes this world so great...that all of us are free to be different. I truly believe that people need to declare their independence and make their voice be heard. The world deserves it.

I'm pretty liberal, and out 42 years of my life, I've never met anyone else like me...except my Mother.

As the Son of a Stripper, I've been around; all over this country since I was 6 years old. I've had a full life. And have so many stories to tell. I look forward to what's to come.

Hello, haven't seen nothin' yet...get ready for the Son of a Stripper!