Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Love Making My Movies....

This is great....

Simply put, I love making movies. Whether it's a 60 second V-log episode of my Mother on the internet, a 5 minute short film for a film festival, a feature film to get out there in doesn't matter to me. As long as I'm able to make a film, declare my independence, and get a message out, that's all I care about.

As a filmmaker, I want to open people's eyes; shock them; make them think, and talk; and expose them to truths they are afraid to see. It amazes me how scared people are to face truths.

I may be broke....working odd jobs to make ends meet, so I can get my messages out there...but I'm living life my way, making movies my way, and finding an audience...

I love my life...

My Mother, Opal, in her new episode of THE X-RATED GRANDMA:

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