It's hard trying to make a buck out here as a filmmaker in the middle of nowhere...
But I'm trying.
I'm working hard every day promoting Mother's new book THOUGHTS OF A STRIPPER online; for hours every day. Been doing this for over a month now. And have now sold one book yet. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I'm trying.
I've got 5 short films that have played over 200 festivals worldwide, and continue to play. Last week, one played Pennslyvania. This week, one in Florida. Next week, one in California. Festivals are already lining up for the summer. 5 internet distributors selling our short films; and I'm trying to sell them myself. Haven't made a dollar yet with them this year.
No jobs around here....scraping by financially day to day....
But at least, if nothing else, I'm making my movies.
I've now got the new book trailer made for Opal's new STRIPPER book. Hopefully, that will start generating some sales. Just created a new YouTube site to promote the production company, and try to get work making films. Got a lot I need to try to do to make money. I don't want to have to move back to a big city right now. I'm working these things too much. I know I could do a lot of this anywhere, but if I was working a regular job, it'd take away a lot what I'm doing.
Every day is a struggle....but it's worth it.
Been shooting a lot of footage these last couple of months for the OLD STRIPPER documentary....but there's not much to film right now, until I can raise some money for the footage of the road trips...
And suddenly, there is interest in getting my narrative feature film JUNK made....so at the same time, I'm working pre-production for JUNK at my own pace...and if everything goes as planned, we will be able to make this no-budget narrative feature this summer out here in the middle of nowhere.
I'm living proof that anyone can make a movie with no money, anywhere, find an audience, and become a well-known filmmaker....
Trying to make a buck.....
Our New Book Trailer of STRIPPER:
Jack and Opal's weekly Podcast:

THE OLD STRIPPER on Indiegogo:
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