This has been a rough summer.
Money wise, things are rough. Here in cattle country. Can't find a job. Not making any money. Working almost every day online applying for good jobs, bad jobs, teaching jobs, filmmaking jobs, and more....but still unemployed and broke.
Still making movies and exploding on the festival circuit....got about 20 fee waivers to festivals worldwide to mail my films out these next couple of weeks; our new hit comedy short FUCKIN' OLD BITCH screens this month in festivals at Atlanta and Seattle; trying to film footage when I can for my documentary of Mother, THE OLD STRIPPER; and trying to figure out ways to get these other film projects done, and make money with what I've already made.
Trying to sell Mother's new STRIPPER book to the world; have it online, on a website, with total control of sales; trying to get the book set up with Createspace so it's available on Amazon.com; but I'm having major issues with Createspace right now. And it doesn't seem like there's any time to really put aside to work the book hard online.
Have over 60 social networks online that I haven't had time to visit or network in months...
Working out at the house; going through years of storage, and hashing through buildings of things; trying to get my properties cleaned up.
Seriously considering moving back out west. Financially, nothing has been working for me around here for over a year; need to make a change.
All of this going on....and more.
I've got so much to do as a filmmaker and as a person living life...films to make, money to make, books to read, messages to get out, and more.
Life to live...movies to make....decisions to make....life is tough.
But it goes on....
The YouTube trailer for Jack's upcoming film THE OLD STRIPPER:
Own the award-winning hit comedy short PHONE SEX GRANDMA on DVD at:
Own Mother's new book STRIPPER: A MOTHER'S STORY at:
Watch the new Book Trailer for STRIPPER: A MOTHER'S STORY:
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