Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 4 at the Florida Film Festival....

Good times going on here in Orlando....

Opal and I are back here at the filmmaker tent at the's about 4:20...wanted to get on here and write something short and sweet before we start our evening things....

Yesterday and today have been busy with a lot of fun things....saw LIGHTBULB yesterday afternoon, then went to a great party at Will's on Mill, then felt too conked out for a midnight screening, so we headed back to the motel....

Lots going on today....went to a very good awards brunch here at the Enzian this morning....very cool...then stayed and watched 500 DAYS OF SUMMER....good film....Opal and I went back to the motel for lunch, had a great vegan ham sandwich lunch, then headed back here to the Enzian...

Here in about an hour going to the Revel party....then our Midnite Shorts premiere of FUCKIN' OLD BITCH....

More to come....

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