Well, it's Sunday out here in the sticks...and I can't believe the day I've had. Out here in the middle of nowhere.
I think this is a record day for me as a filmmaker....acceptance wise.
I got up late. This frozen shoulder bone has been killing me for months, and I haven't been able to sleep for shit. But after I got up, had my coffee, and a vanilla cigar smoke, I went to check my emails...
My new film THE OUTHOUSE got 2 acceptances today from festivals; at San Francisco's Frozen Film Festival, and Washington's Washougal Film Festival. It'll be the state premieres of THE OUTHOUSE in California and Washington. That makes 15 festivals this year for the new short so far.
Then, if that wasn't enough, I got an invitation for PHONE SEX GRANDMA to Spain's largest Gay and Lesbian Festival.
Then, on top of that, I received an update email of our Dallas screening next week of THE OUTHOUSE.
And on top of that, I have several fee waivers from festivals for my new short THE ACCEPTABLE SIN.
Things are nuts out here. I don't know how I get everything done. I feel like I'm going mad; promoting PHONE SEX GRANDMA like hell on YouTube, getting THE OUTHOUSE and PHONE SEX GRANDMA promoted on the film festival circuit, getting my new short THE ACCEPTABLE SIN submitted to festivals, getting this new project finished for Slamdance next year....keeping all my blogs and social networks going....and trying to make a buck with all of this as well. Plus, working on trying to start shooting my first narrative feature film this fall. And that doesn't even include the lists of things I need to get done that aren't even being touched.
It's a crazy life out here in the boonies....especially when you don't have anyone else working with you, and are doing everything yourself....but I love it. I have total control, and am making my films my own way.
But things are becoming so large, they're getting out of my hands and out of my control. I think that's a good thing.
John Steinbeck once said, "Ideas are like rabbits...you get one or two, learn to control them, then pretty soon, you have a dozen." How true that is.
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