This is one busy summer....
It's been a month or two since I've written a few lines. Things, simply put, have been nutso. It's been a month since I've got back home here in Midwest, Bible-thumpin' farm country from Las Vegas, and every day is a busy adventure.
Last weekend rocked. Had to take Mother up to Chicago for a major event that will be announced soon. More to come on that. Spending some time lining up our fall film festival in Las Vegas. Working on promoting Mother's STRIPPER book. And spending the entire summer working on our feature film documentary THE OLD STRIPPER.
It's been 10-11 months that I've taken a break from submitting our hit short films to the festival circuit. 300 plus festival screenings over 4 years for 5 short films ain't too shabby. But these last couple of weeks, we've received about 30 fee waivers for our short films to enter fests worldwide; and finally got those submissions put together and sent out this week. That was a job. It felt good; like old times. And for the invites, our first short film PHONE SEX GRANDMA is still leading the pack...
I love being a true indendent filmmaker. Screw Hollywood.
Got a lot of work to do this summer. This feature film THE OLD STRIPPER is gonna be one fuckin' awesome documentary. I've been shooting footage going on 4 years now in Missouri, Florida, Las Vegas and California; with more shooting to come. This is a story only we can tell. With me, being the son of a stripper, and Mother's life....I can't wait.
And this weekend, I get to spend Father's Day with my real father...my Mother Opal. Can't wait to share her favorite day with her on Sunday....